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Efficacy Of The Combination Of Daclatasvir And Sofosbuvir For The Management Of Hcv Genotype 3 Patients


Sana Tahir Virk
Fellow, Infectious diseases, PIMS
Sadaf Yousaf
Associate consultant gastroenterology, Shifa International Hospital
Kazim Abbas Virk
Assistant Professor Gastroenterology, HBS General Hospital
Zaid Umer
Assistant Professor pulmonology- RMU
Abeer Zafar
Fellow, Infectious diseases, PIMS
Mahwish Ahmad
Assistant Professor Dermatology - HBS General Hospital


Daclatasvir, Genotype, Hepatitis C, chronic, Sofosbuvir, Sustained virologic response.


To determine the frequency of sustained virologic response (SVR) of Daclatasvir (DCV) plus Sofosbuvir (SOV) for the management of HCV genotype 3 infections in non-cirrhotic patients.
Study Design:
Prospective, observational study.
Place and Duration of Study:
Gastroenterology department, Shifa International Hospital Islamabad, 06 months (May to November 2019).
Total 75 diagnosed and treatment- naive patients of chronic HCV genotype 3, in whom liver cirrhosis was ruled out by abdominal ultrasound, were included in the study, by non-probability convenience sampling. A combination of DCV (60mg) and SOV(400mg) orally once daily for 12 weeks was given to all and were followed up in the OPD for 12 weeks after treatment. After 12 weeks of completion of treatment, HCV PCR was checked to evaluate the SVR after 12 weeks (SVR-12).
Out of 75 patients, male patients were 56% while female patients were 44%. The mean age was 48.65 ± 13.72 years. Diabetes mellitus was present in 62.7% of the patients. SVR-12 was achieved in 85.3% which showed insignificant association with gender (p-value 0.916), diabetes mellitus (p-value 0.455) and age (p-value 0.076).
Achieving an SVR-12 rate of 85.3% depicts that the combination of DCV and SOV is extremely efficient in treating the HCV genotype 3, Its efficacy is consistent across patients, regardless of age, gender, or diabetes mellitus.

How to cite this article

: Virk ST, Yousaf S, Virk KA, Umer Z, Zafar A, Ahmad M. Efficacy of the Combination of Daclatasvir and Sofosbuvir for the Management of HCV Genotype 3 Patients. HMDJ. 2024 Dec; 04(02): 45-49. https://doi.org/10.69884/hmdj.4.2.3963.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.69884/hmdj.4.2.3963


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