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Medical Ethics: Ready to see the Mirror


Farrukh Hayat Khan
HOD Psychiatry and Behavioural Sciences, Bahria University College of Medicine


Medical Ethics: Ready to see the Mirror?


The health sector has evolved into an industry and physicians have turned into entrepreneurs. Private medical colleges and hospitals are minting money. People are also more aware now and they expect doctors to work like professionals abroad. The basic pillars of medical ethics like patient consent, Justice, confidentiality, beneficence and non-maleficence must never be compromised. The unholy nexus of doctors with pharmaceutical companies, laboratories and imaging facilities should be discouraged. Students should be taught medical ethics right from the beginning. Unethical research practices must be stopped.

How to cite this article

Farrukh Hayat Khan - Medical Ethics: Ready to see the Mirror?
DOI: https://doi.org/10.69884/hmdj.4.2.8638


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