Publication Ethical

As per policy, the editorial board ensures that all manuscripts published in HMDJ should be based upon morally acceptable research. The HMDJ ensure that whether the authors have followed the World Medical Association’s Declaration of Helsinki during research of in preparation of their manuscript. In this regards, HMDJ aims to appraise the ethical aspects of any type of submitted work that involves human participants and whatever descriptive label is given to that work including research, audit, and sometimes debate.
Ethical Approval letter: HMDJ policy focuses to the mandatory IRB or Ethical Review Board (ERB) or equivalent committee approval letter at the time of submission of manuscript. The letter should have reference number, with clear date, and counter signed by the chairman IRB/ERB.
What happens when the journal considers a study to be unethical? HMDJ believe that editors have a duty to take on issues of unethical audit or research, not to seek punishment for the authors, but to prevent unethical practice and to protect patients. In that case, the manuscript will be rejected by HMDJ.
Exceptional circumstances: In rare instances the journal might publish an article despite ethics problems in the work it reported. The usual reason would be that work done in one setting might not reach the ethical standard of work done in another setting, because of differing local resources and standards for health care and research.
In deciding to publish such an article, HMDJ would consider the context of the study and aim to balance the overall benefit to society against the possible harm to the research participants.